A. Comprehension questions
1. Where did Peter and Erika meet for the first time?
2. What is Erika's nationality?
3. Why didn't Erika like the hostel?
4. What is the meaning of "Charm s/c furn gdn fit"?
5. What does Peter mean when he says that on Saturday they both
have "the day off?
6. What's the first thing you do if you want to find a flat?
7. How did Peter get his first flat?
8. What did Peter pay the owner before moving in?
9. What woke Peter up at half past seven?
10. What were they going to build outside Peter's window?
B. Change the following sentences into the simple past:
1. She doesn't know her way around London.
2. I can't understand the advertisements.
3. Whatever does it mean?
4. That's too expensive for me.
5. You take things too seriously.
7. 1 pay her a month's rent in advance.
8. Is it nicely decorated?
C. Change the following into sentences beginning I, you,
etc. should have...:
You didn't see the flat I had before.
You should have seen the flat I had before.
1. He didn't meet her at London airport.
2. She didn't stay at a hostel.
3. She wasn't in by eleven o'clock.
4. I didn't have the day off yesterday.
5. We didn't look for a flat.
6. They didn't find a flat.
7. I didn't ring him up.
8. I didn't answer the phone.
D. Use the gerund (-ing form) instead of the
infinitive (base form) in the following sentences:
It's difficult to find a flat in London.
Finding a flat in London is difficult.
1. It's bad for you to smoke.
2. It takes a long time to read all the accommodation
3. It can be very pleasant to stay at a hostel.
4. The best way is to get a flat through an agency.
5. It costs a lot of money to build a motorway.
6. It's difficult to translate from English into German.
7. It's easy to get the day off.
8. It's better to pay in advance.