Getting a research paper approved is a difficult job. Also, know that writing a research paper is quite difficult and different from writing blog content or articles for
How to learn English grammar?
Alan Townend
How to learn English grammar?
Once you have started to learn a foreign language you want to use it, speak it, write it and above all communicate with others. But as we say, you have
Once you have started to learn a foreign language you want to use it, speak it, write it and above all communicate with others. But as we say, you have
Conversations about English
Alan Townend
The important thing about a conversation is that two people are talking to one another about a particular topic. The question is: How can you and I talk to each other about English when you don't know
Expressions: In Order/Disorder
Alan Townend
Expressions with the word order or "Order into chaos"
In this story you will find words and expressions in the first half to do with order, tidiness and
Book Expressions
Alan Townend
Book expressions or "Have you seen this book?"
There's a well-known saying that you can't judge a book by its covers and when you apply this to people it's another
Cool Expressions
Alan Townend
Cool expressions or "From one extreme to the other"
In this story will find many idioms with the word cool. As you know an idiom is a fixed phrase that only makes

Colour Idioms
Alan Townend
Colour idioms or "A silver lining"
In this story will find idioms with colours. An idiom is a fixed expression with a certain meaning. Here a
Saying It Twice
Alan Townend
Saying it twice or "Save our animals"
There are several pairs of rhyming words that have come into the language with the job of emphasising and strengthening the meaning
One thing or another
Alan Townend
Usage of pronouns or "One thing or another"
The ONE thing that the boss couldn’t stand was a hint of dishonesty. SOME people believed if you closed a deal by whatever means, then tha
The ONE thing that the boss couldn’t stand was a hint of dishonesty. SOME people believed if you closed a deal by whatever means, then tha