Between the lines

time left 5 : 00


There are clear differences among the two pictures if you take the trouble to look very closely.


I honestly can't remember how long I've been waiting but it must have been since at least 45 minutes.


These sorts of stories have been told at bedtime again and again for children from their parents.


They knew that the enemy had far superior armaments than they did and flood.


I often surf the Internet to find out certain things but I also use it to get the latest news due to it provides up to date information.


She has been searching something in that book all morning but she still hasn't found anything.


He was much more thorough in his studies than the rest of the class and it was for that reason that he make such good progress.


I did exactly what you suggested, took your opinion and applied for promotion.


I worship spaghetti and whenever I go to an Italian restaurant I always make sure that it is part of my meal.


Can you tell me precisely what the admittance fee is for entry to that museum?

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