Health: Common Vocabulary and Phrases
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I am ..... to diabetes because my father has it and so does my mother. I have to be really careful about what I eat, and I try to exercise as much as possible.
I ..... down with a terrible cold last month. However, I feel better now.
It's really hard to ..... over a tragedy. Sometimes, counseling is a good idea because it can help people cope with disturbing and sad circumstances.
She suffers ..... multiple sclerosis. However, she has a very good attitude and follows a homeopathic regimen.
My son scraped his knee the other day. But, the wound ..... better quickly because I put an antibiotic cream on it.
Heart disease ..... in my family. That means heart disease is a genetic condition that is common in my family.
I'm ..... something today. I don't feel well and I feel like I'm going to get a cold, so I'm going to take some vitamin C to combat that feeling.
Wow! What a workout! It feels like every single ..... in my body hurts. Yoga is not easy!
I know you feel nauseous but you have to ..... yourself together. There's no need to cry. Just lie down and try to get some sleep.
I can't ..... it anymore. The pain is too much. Give me some pain medication right now.