Vocabulary Practice: Animal or Plant? (1)
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An ..... is a plant. It has many layers.
A ..... is an animal. It is often referred to as Man's Best Friend' and you can teach it to do tricks on command.
A ..... is an animal. It lives on a farm and people produce woolen products from its fur.
A ..... is an animal. It is very beautiful. It flies and flaps its colorful wings.
An ..... tree is a plant. It grows strong roots into the ground and people build houses and cupboards from its strong and durable wood.
..... is a plant. People can make t-shirts from this plant species.
A ..... is a plant. It is an orange vegetable that grows in the ground.
A ..... is an animal. It has long ears and whiskers. It hops around most of the time, but is very fast when necessary.
A ..... is a plant. It has a sour taste and is yellow in color.
A ..... is an animal. It is a rodent and lives in dark, sewer-like conditions.