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Real Life: Vehicles and Transportation (1)

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I am a large vehicle that travels on rails. I can carry a lot of people who want to travel to various destinations. A conductor operates me. What am I? ......


I am a large vehicle that travels on water. I can either carry cargo or a lot of people. A captain drives me from port to port. What am I? ......


I am a smaller vehicle and four people can comfortably ride in me. I travel on streets and highways. What am I? ......


I am a large aircraft. I can carry a lot of people to various destinations and I fly through the air, using wings, at very high speeds. What am I? ......


I am larger than most cars. I can comfortably sit two people in the front and I can carry some larger things in the back that is called a bed. Sometimes, I help my friends move because I can carry furniture and other belongings in my bed. What am I? ......


I am larger than a car but I also travel on streets and highways. I am slower than a train. I have a lot of seats for people to sit on and, usually, two people sit together on each seat. I make many stops throughout each day as I pick up people who are patiently waiting at specific stops. What am I? ......


I am a smaller vehicle that picks up people and drives them around town. Everyone has to pay me in order to get a ride and I measure the distance with a metered device that calculates a cost per kilometer traveled. I'm usually found in larger cities and you can see my sign on my roof. I'm also called a cab. What am I? ......


I am not motorized and people power me with their feet by pedaling. I normally have two wheels and I'm an environmentally-friendly way of getting around town. What am I? ......


I also have two wheels but I am a motorized vehicle. I usually carry one passenger but, sometimes, I carry two people when they sit one in front of the other. I am usually faster than a car but people who ride me are exposed to the elements and not protected by any outer shell. What am I? ......


I help farmers on large plots of land. I am a very large, motorized vehicle and I can bale hay as well as pick other heavy objects up with a large bucket type object that is attached to me. Many farmers could not do the work they need to do without me. What am I? ......

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