— Hello, Sue? This is Damon Guenther. My plane had an electrical problem, so my flight from Munich was delayed and I missed my connecting flight here in Chicago. The earliest flight I can catch leaves at 4:30 and arrives in Denver at 7, so I'm going to miss the presentation at 3 today.
— I'm sorry to hear that, Damon. Unfortunately, we can't reschedule the presentation, because Sam Hawthorn has come from Boston to give it, and he has to return tonight. But I'd really like you to see it.
— I know. Is there any way you could set it up as a videoconference? That way, I could stay in Chicago and participate online.
— That's a good idea. I'll try. Let me talk with our technical support crew, and I'll get back to you soon. Meanwhile, go ahead and book the 4:30 flight. In a worst-case, we'll videotape the presentation and you can watch it tonight after you arrive.