Good morning. We would like to remind you that on Thursday, the County Blood Center van will be in our east parking lot for the company's annual blood donation day. Donations will be taken from 9 a.m. until noon. We are trying to top last year's company record of 46 quarts of blood, to help people in area hospitals who need transfusions. Those who wish to give blood should pick up a form from the human resources department, and fill it out before Thursday. If you plan to donate, please wait until at least two hours after eating, and make sure to drink plenty of water the night before. Donations are limited to employees only; no family members please. If you will be out of the office Thursday morning, but would like to still donate, see your manager to arrange a time that you can go to the County Blood Bank and donate during working hours. But if you're here on Thursday, please come out, and help us set a new company milestone!