You've been with us 10 years now, and we appreciate your loyalty and dedication. You've always put forth tremendous effort, and your work has always been of exceptional quality. Unfortunately, as you know, the economy has been tough lately, and management has had to make some very difficult decisions. It's never easy letting someone go, especially someone as talented and loyal as you are. But the hard truth is, we've got to cut 3,000 jobs to stay solvent, and yours is one of them. We'll pay your salary through the end of the month, and of course you're eligible for unemployment. You also get to keep all your company stock options, and I'll personally write you a letter of recommendation. I'm awfully sorry. I know you have a wife and kids, and believe me, this isn't easy for any of us. All I can say is keep your head up. I'm sure you'll land on your feet once the economy recovers again.