— So in summary Michael, your review is mostly favorable. You met four of your seven incentive goals, which means your bonus will total $3,000. You got high marks for promptness and dedication, and need to improve your business etiquette and time management. Do you have any questions?
— Yes, just a couple. What do you do with my performance review after I review it and sign it? Will you use it next year in deciding on salary increases?
— Those are good questions. Your review will go into your file, which is part of your permanent employment record. It will be considered in determining salary, but it's just one factor among many. We'll also consider your overall performance since you joined the company, and any improvement made following this evaluation. In general, you're doing very nice work. Keep up the good work, and you shouldn't have any worries.
— Thank you, Ms. Donaldson. I appreciate your fairness, and I enjoy working for you.