Thank you Dr. Seymour. Our next presenter, Dr. Wesley Kidd, has done extensive research on the effects of cell-phone radiation on the human brain. Dr. Kidd is a native of Florida, where he earned a bachelors in science before moving here and getting his masters and PhD at State University. He has spent the past two years studying cell-phone radiation under a grant from the National Institute of Health. Next year, he has been invited to join a prestigious committee of international scientists to continue his work in Stockholm, Sweden, for three more years. Dr. Kidd plans today to give a Power Point presentation outlining the preliminary results of his research, followed by practical recommendations about cell-phone use. Please hold all questions, and we'll have about 15 minutes at the end of the presentation for a question-and-answer session. Also, while we're on the subject of cell phones, a friendly reminder: please turn off or mute all cell phones, beepers and other alarms during the presentation. Thank you, and without further ado, please join me in extending a warm welcome to Dr. Wesley Kidd.