Attention please. This is a special announcement from the main office. There is a visitor's car parked in the fire zone on the east side of campus. It's a blue Yamahoo Zephir, license plate number XYZ701. The owner needs to move this vehicle immediately, or it will be towed. We want to remind all visitors that no parking is allowed in the fire zones on the west and east sides of campus. These zones must be kept free at all times for fire trucks and other emergency vehicles. Parking is also prohibited in the bus zone in front of the school between 9 and 9:30 a.m., and 3 and 3:30 p.m. Free parking is available in the main lot in front of the school, and also in lots on the north and south sides. Metered parking is available on the streets surrounding school grounds, and there are special handicapped parking spaces in all school parking lots. We appreciate your cooperation in keeping our no-parking zones clear. Thank you.