Keys to exercises 16.
A. 1. Dull and boring. 2. His army pension. 3. To go into the garage next door and check the car for oil, water and air. 4. Yes, he smokes a pipe. 5. Her provisional driving licence. 6. Partly because she obviously needed it, and partly because it was good for business.
7. Because she thought it looked more businesslike than her long fair hair. 8. He was driving in the middle of the road. 9. Friends of Lucy Chalmers. 10. They wanted to enrol for the six-month course. B. 1. boring 2. extra 3. test 4. pedestrian 5. first-rate 6. examiner 7. instructor 8. middle-aged C. 1. The Major said he found civilian life dull and boring. 2. The Major said he would open his own school of motoring. 3. The Major said he thought he could fit her in for a trial lesson. 4. The Major said he was sure she would pass. 5. Mary said she was not talking about her driving. 6. Lucy said she thought a wig looked very businesslike. 7. The examiner asked her if she knew the Highway Code. 8. Lucy said she would tell everyone what a good instructor he was. D. Adjectives Adverbs Adjectives Adverbs happy happily provisional provisionally unfortunate unfortunately safe safely early early capable capably precise precisely late late sad sadly smooth smoothly slow slowly terrible terribly
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